Alexandra Vanags

Great stories. Simply told.

I’m a journalist, writer, editor and strategic thinker
who will help you to plan and develop high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Compelling Content Strategies

For more than 20 years, I’ve worked in journalism, corporate communications and content writing roles. Now, I use this experience to produce high-quality content programs for my clients.

I understand that great content is not just about putting words on the page, but a process that involves careful planning, interviewing experts, research, finding a compelling angle, engaging writing, and regular review.

In this way, I am able to find strong stories and tell them in a way that appeals to your audience and delivers results for your business.

Flexible Content Solutions

My services include high-quality blogs and articles, thought leadership like eBooks and White Papers, newsletters, press releases, bios and structural editing.

I can help you get started, provide an ongoing hand with writing work, or take over the running of your content program entirely.

While my background is mainly in business, finance and pharmaceuticals, I will tackle any industry, no matter how complex or technical.

I’m always open to new clients and would love to talk to you about building and maintaining a strong and compelling content program.


Corporate and Financial

Small Business Blog and eBook Writer

Executive Thought Leadership


Why Work With Alex

Reasonable turnarounds, excellent communication and ability to work with other creatives.

  • Strategy

    Making sure you’re clear on what you’re doing before you get started.

  • Storytelling

    Expert narrative-crafting and story hooks to best showcase your expertise

  • Interviewing

    Professional-standard interviews to get the most out of subject matter experts.

  • Research and synthesis

    Compiling sources and structuring them into cohesive, readable output.

  • Writing

    Careful attention to tone of voice, structure and readability

  • Editing:

    Casting my critical journalist’s eye over documents to evaluate for flow and narrative development



Alex has been invaluable in helping me establish a strong following as a thought leader on social media and through articles and presentations.

She’s also worked with me to develop narratives for my business, allowing me to articulate my offerings and USP.

I’d recommend Alex to anyone who is looking for both excellent advice and strong execution.”

Publishing a blog had been a part of my business plan for the past year. I just couldn’t seem to get my ideas out of my head and in writing the way I wanted them to come across. Alex has been a godsend in helping me launch this important part of my business.

We collaborate so well and she tells my stories in a compelling, relevant and meaningful way for my audience. Given her journalism background, Alex is also excellent at proposing new and interesting topics, as well as responding to current issues in relation to our business. Our blog, ‘Straight from the horses’s mouth…’, has been highly successful in generating interest and new leads for my business. Thank you, Alex
