About Alex

I started my career as a writer 20 years ago, working as a reporter for an aviation publication at a large financial publishing house in London.

From there, I wrote for a number of prestigious publications in Europe and Australia, covering a wide range of areas including large takeover deals, the ramifications of the GFC, and policy in the pharmaceutical industry.

More than a decade ago, I made the decision to pivot to the corporate world, working in communications before settling on a career in content writing.

Nowadays, I marry various skills gained from my previous roles in order to provide superior service and strong results.

This means compelling storytelling, information gathering through research and interviews, and the ability to arrange complex information in a way that is clear and compelling.

At the same time, I always maintain a strong commercial focus to maximise outcomes for your business.

I’m also a keen fiction writer who has had a number of short stories published.

I live on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney with my husband and two children.

Why Work With Alex

  • Strategy

    Making sure you’re clear on what you’re doing before you get started.

  • Storytelling

    Expert narrative-crafting and story hooks to best showcase your expertise

  • Interviewing

    Professional-standard interviews to get the most out of subject matter experts.

  • Research and synthesis

    Compiling sources and structuring them into cohesive, readable output.

  • Writing

    Careful attention to tone of voice, structure and readability

  • Editing

    Casting my critical journalist’s eye over documents to evaluate for flow and narrative development

  • Service

    Reasonable turnarounds, excellent communication and ability to work with other creatives.

Industries / Sectors Covered

While my background is weighted towards business, finance and pharmaceuticals, I am a versatile writer who will cover any industry, no matter how complex or niche.

Specific industries I have worked in include:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Wealth management
  • Investing
  • Professional Services
  • Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences
  • Small Business
  • Banking
  • Education
  • Recruitment
  • HR
  • Leadership/Career development
  • Aviation